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Mooswa (a) DALL·E 2023-03-03 05.33.36 - ojibwe art moose in van gogh style painting.png

Manitoba Parklands

Gravel, Gravel, Gravel

The Mooswa Meat Grinder is a gravel race in the Manitoba Parklands. This race starts and finishes in Erickson, Manitoba, jus south of Riding Mountain national Park. It is comprised of two loops - an 80 km loop that takes you south to the Little Saskatchewan River Valley. A 120 km loop that takes you east, to the East Escarpment on the edge of Riding Mountain National Park. 


Need an introduction to gravel racing? Then the 80 km loop is the perfect option for you.


Need something a little more advanced? Then the 120 km loop is for you.


Just can't get enough gravel? Then the 200 km option is for you - both 80 & 120 km loops.



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